My tablet is slow to respond when I surf the Internet

Please perform the steps below to troubleshoot:

1.Check the network conditions

If this issue occurs when using an audio or video player, use a similar app and check whether the issue persists.

*If the issue does not occur again, the server of the app in question may not be responding promptly, or there may be an issue with the audio or video file itself. It is recommended that you switch to a lower image quality or sound quality, or update the app to the latest version and try again. If the issue persists, report the issue to the app's customer service.

*If all apps requiring an Internet connection fail to run smoothly, check whether your Mobile data network or Wi-Fi signal is sufficiently strong. If not, connect your device to a network with a stronger signal. Or alternatively, enable Airplane mode, wait for a short while and disable it, and then try again.

You can also reset the network settings and try again.

2.Clean up storage space

*If your device's RAM or storage space is insufficient, the app may freeze while being used. Go to System Manager((Via OTA to update) and clean your device's storage space.

3.Clear background apps

If this issue occurs when a large number of apps are running in the background, close the apps that you are not using and try again.